5 mindfulness activities for mental health and well-being

Research shows that practicing mindfulness improves our mental and physical health. For instance, mindfulness has been known to help us calm down and also boost our brain power.

Here are five mindfulness activities you can try:

1. Breathing

This type of breathing can be achieved by focusing your attention on your breathing pattern. You can simply breathe in a calm way and allow your feelings and thoughts to flow throughout without being distracted.

Mindful breathing has numerous benefits, including improved focus and efficiency, increased positivity, and greater physical and mental energy.

2. Writing

This type of writing allows you to reflect on your experiences and thoughts. When you engage in expressive writing you don’t have to worry about the grammar or the spelling – simply write whatever that comes to your mind.

Expressive writing is traditionally done with pen and paper. But you can also do this by keeping a blog. Blog psychologist Dennis Relojo-Howell explains: “Blogging is an effective way to process your thoughts and it also allows you to connect with people with similar interests.”

Practicing mindfulness helps you achieve more in life.

3. Hugging

Hugging exudes warmth and deeper connection. It does not matter whether you hug a person, an animal, or even a tree. Hugging evokes a feeling of connectedness, that you are not alone.

Hugging encourages your ability to be fully present with another. A heart-to-heart hug can bring about significant benefits on your mental and physical health and happiness.

4. Walking

Walking is a simple yet effective way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. When you do mindful walking take note of the surroundings around you.

Look at the flowers and feel the air as it brushes against your cheek. Be aware of each step and breathe.

5. Mini breaks

When you’ve been working all day, it’s important to have a break. Reflect on what you have achieved so far for the day. Also think of what happens when you come back home – perhaps your partner would have cooked something for you, or your pet is excited to see you.

You can also think about what you want to achieve in the future. And of course, while you’re having a mini break you can enjoy your cup of relaxing tea. – Reuters

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