Latest Survey on AAPI Views on 2024 Election and Personal Safety

This survey explores the AAPI community's views both concerning the 2024 election season and, more broadly relating to general impressions of personal and community security.

The Asian American and Pacific Islander population may play a key role in helping to decide the outcome of the 2024 presidential election in several swing states. With an estimated population of at least 20 million individuals, the AAPI community is diverse and spans many countries of descent/origin.

This survey explores the AAPI community's views both concerning the 2024 election season and, more broadly relating to general impressions of personal and community security. As more American politicians voice criticism of China, in particular, the potential for a backlash among AAPI persons may increase, and this survey seeks to quantify the feelings and perceptions of AAPI people, as well as those of the general population.

To better understand possible regional differences and dynamics in the United States, this survey focuses on a sample of AAPI persons who live in the states of the American South, as well as a national AAPI sample. A general population sample of Americans of all backgrounds is also provided as a point of comparison.

Key Findings:

  • In the presidential election, AAPI respondents across the country and across Southern states preferred Vice President Kamala Harris over former president Donald Trump, more so than the general population did: 48% of AAPI respondents in the South preferred Harris, compared to 35% from that region, while 50% of AAPI respondents nationally chose Harris, versus 31% for Trump. Nationally, the general population was roughly split, with 40% for Harris and 38% for Trump.
  • AAPI respondents in the South were roughly split over whether Trump handled the job well when he was last president, with 40% saying they approved to some degree, compared to 43% saying they disapproved.
  • However, AAPI respondents nationally disapproved of Trump’s handling of the job by a greater degree (48% strongly disapprove or disapprove, compared to 34% strongly approve/approve.) In this survey, the general population was also split, with 42% saying they strongly approved or approved of Trump’s performance, versus 41% disapproving.
  • Asked to rate parties and candidates by the degree of favorability, AAPI respondents nationally were more favorable to Democrats (61 points average on a 1-100 scale) than Republicans (52 points.) Southern AAPI respondents rated Donald Trump (60 points) higher than Joe Biden (54 points), but lower than Kamala Harris (65 points.)
  • Compared to the general population, slightly fewer AAPI respondents in the South and nationally reported feeling “very safe” in their homes. Among the general population, 55% said they felt very safe in their home, versus 49% among Southern AAPI respondents and 48% among AAPI persons nationally.
  • 48% of AAPI respondents in the South and 51% of AAPI respondents nationally said that the way American politicians politicize about China may contribute to stereotypes either a lot or a fair amount. 40% of the general population also believed this to be the case.

Preference for Harris over Trump

In the presidential election, AAPI respondents across the country and across Southern states preferred Vice President Kamala Harris over former president Donald Trump, more so than the general population did, which reflected a nearly evenly split in the survey (40% Harris vs. 38% Trump). 48% of AAPI respondents in the South preferred Harris, compared to 35% from that region. 50% of AAPI respondents nationally chose Harris, versus 31% for Trump.

Split Verdict on Past Trump Presidency

AAPI respondents in the South were roughly split over whether Trump handled the job well when he was president (2017-2021), with 40% saying they approved to some degree, compared to 43% saying they disapproved. However, AAPI respondents nationally disapproved of Trump’s handling of the job by a greater degree (48% strongly disapprove or disapprove, compared to 34% strongly approve/approve.) In this survey, the general population was also split, with 42% saying they strongly approved or approved of Trump’s performance, versus 41% disapproving.

AAPI Sentiments on Politics and Race

Survey respondents were asked to rate various categories of political and racial categories by degree of favorability, on a scale of 1 to 100. Nationally, AAPI respondents were more favorable to Democrats (61 points average) than Republicans (52 average.) Southern AAPI respondents rated Donald Trump (60 average) higher than Joe Biden (54), but lower than Kamala Harris (65 average.) On racial categories, AAPI respondents both in the South and nationally did not express preferences that were substantially different than the general population expressed. 

Sense of Safety in the Home

Compared to the general population, slightly fewer AAPI respondents in the South and nationally reported feeling “very safe” in their home. Among the general population, 55% said they felt very safe in their home, versus 49% among Southern AAPI respondents and 48% among AAPI persons nationally. Overally, however, the total number of persons saying they felt very safe or somewhat safe was nearly the same across AAPI and general population respondents.

Neighborhood Safety Levels

We also asked respondents about how safe they felt in their neighborhood. As with safety in the home, the total number of respondents reporting very safe or somewhat safe was not significantly different among Southern AAPI, national AAPI, and general population respondents. However, there were slight differences in terms of intensity of feeling, as 41% of the general population said they felt very safe, compared to 36% among AAPI nationally.

Awareness of Atlanta Spa Shooting Story

The killing of 8 Asian American persons in Atlanta at a spa facility in 2021 prompted widespread fears of more such hate crimes among the AAPI community. Survey respondents were asked how much information they had heard about these killings, to assess the ongoing fallout and resonance of the story. Three years after the murders, 55% of AAPI persons in the South reported having seen at least some information, compared to 39% among respondents in the general population. Notably, 61% of the general population reported not having seen information at all about the killings.

Perceived Safety of Asian Americans

Asked about whether persons of Asian background are less safe than other residents in their community, 18% of the general population strongly or somewhat agreed, while 30% of Southern AAPI and 28% of national AAPI respondents strongly or somewhat agreed. On this question, there was a fair amount of uncertainty across all groups, as 48% of the general population indicated “neither agree nor disagree,” compared to 38% among Southern AAPI and 40% among national AAPI respondents.

Political Talk about China and Asian Stereotypes

The critical way that American politicians sometimes talk about China may affect perceptions of Asian Americans more generally, given deeply embedded stereotypes and ignorance of national and ethnic differences. The survey attempted to explore these dynamics, and 48% of AAPI respondents in the South and 51% of AAPI respondents nationally said that such talk by politicians may contribute to stereotypes a lot or a fair amount. This compares with 40% among the general population.

Personal Safety and China Criticism

When politicians criticize China, 41% of AAPI respondents in the South and AAPI resopndents nationally said it made them feel less safe, while 53% of Southern AAPI and 54% of national AAPI respondents said it did not affect their sense of safety.


In the presidential election, AAPI respondents across the country and the Southern states preferred Vice President Kamala Harris over former president Donald Trump, while AAPI respondents in the South were roughly split over whether Trump handled the job well when he was last president, with 40% saying they approved to some degree, compared to 43% saying they disapproved. Asked to rate parties and candidates by degree of favorability, AAPI respondents nationally were more favorable to Democrats than Republicans.

The survey also asked about safety concerns: Compared to the general population, slightly fewer AAPI respondents in the South and nationally reported feeling “very safe” in their home. Further, 48% of AAPI respondents in the South and 51% of AAPI respondents nationally said that the way American politicians talk about China might contribute to stereotypes either a lot or a fair amount, while 40% of the general population also believed this to be the case.

A full copy of the survey is available:

This report is a result of a partnership between the Georgia Asian Times-CHIP50. CHIP50 is an academic consortium involving Northeastern University, Harvard, Rutgers, and the University of Rochester. The consortium is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Knight Foundation.

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