Lunar New Year of Rabbit

2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. The Lunar New Year starts on January 22, 2023, and ends on February 9, 2024.

The Rabbit symbolizes luck, prosperity, vigor, and patience, while the Yin Water element represents sensitivity, intuition, and inner peace. As a result, we can expect to move into a more peaceful 2023, with some nice doses of good fortune.

People born under the sign of the Rabbit are kind, friendly, intelligent, cautious, skillful, gentle, and quick. They dislike conflict and like to find solutions through compromise and negotiation. On the negative side, Rabbit people have the potential to be superficial, secretive, stubborn, melancholy, and indecisive.

Rabbits sign are born in these Years:
1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023


Rabbit personality traits
Although generally calm, gentle and loving, Rabbit people can be very ambitious and intuitively know how to get ahead in the world.

They are good listeners, kind and sweet by nature, and are therefore often sought out as popular and trusted friends.

Generally noted for their physical beauty, Rabbits like to surround themselves with beautiful things. They have a good eye for art, design and fashion, and are usually at the top of anyone's Best Dressed list.

Others may call the Rabbit timid, but those born under this sign rightly view themselves as wise and cautious.

Rabbits are rarely known to make a move or jump into any new situation without first carefully considering all their options. Luck is not a mainstay of the practical rabbit. That said, good luck just seems to come their way unbidden, and no one is more surprised than a rabbit when they win a poker hand or hit the jackpot at the races!

Rabbits are regarded as the peacemakers in any group. They remain calm in any situation, and are very slow to anger.

In close personal relationships they can be very romantic, but their natural cautiousness prevents them from settling down or committing to any one person right away.

At work, they excel by remaining cool and collected, and can be relied upon for extreme tact in delicate business dealings.

Famous people born in the Year of the Rabbit:
Frank Sinatra, Angelina Jolie, Albert Einstein, Johnny Depp, David Beckham, Tiger Woods, Whitney Houston

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