Zoom working to fix partial outage at video conferencing service

New York, Aug 24, 2020 – Zoom Video Communications Inc said on Monday it was working to fix a partial outage at its popular video conferencing service, as thousands of users scrambled to log into work and school remotely.

Outage tracking website Downdetector.com showed there were nearly 15,000 incidents of people reporting issues with Zoom.

“We have identified the issue causing users to be unable to authenticate to the Zoom website (zoom.us) and unable to start and join Zoom Meetings and Webinars,” the company said on its website.

The use of Zoom and other digital communications have soared with political parties, school districts, organizations and millions across the world working from home after lockdowns were enforced to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Zoom was not immediately available for any additional comment on the partial outage. – Reuters

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