Check out your Lunar Horoscope for 2021 Year of Ox

The year of the Ox 2021, which starts on February 12th, and ends on January 21st of 2022, announces that everything will get solved with discipline. A lot of discipline! And it will also require an additional effort in organizing our time. The year 2021 is the perfect occasion to put your life in order. Especially favored are those who want success and are willing to make a serious effort to achieve it.

This is also a year when humanity will focus on natural resources and will care more about the planet and people. The Ox year is dominated by the Metal element.

There is also a manifested care for family, friends, and the people in need. The Ox sign encourages compassion, charity, and harmonizing the relationships between people, especially during disasters. In 2021, professional difficulties will often seem impossible to overcome, and this is exactly why perseverance becomes one of the most valuable qualities.

Laziness, convenience, and indifference are the feared enemies of this year when life is harder than in the past. Nothing falls from the sky, and nothing happens without investing time and effort.

Money is especially hard to obtain. The financial resources are seldom, fewer, and will force us to permanent thrift. Those who lose their jobs or don’t manage to find a job in their domain of activity can turn to other areas, but the best domains are related to manufacturing and agriculture in rural areas. The Ox is considered the most responsible and tenacious out of all the zodiac signs. Those who are born under the Ox sign are calm and patient people, but very determined when needed.

The acquaintances respect the Ox people because they have a strong personality, they are stable, and they are people you can count on. They have an exemplary work capacity and intelligence to match it. Those who are born under this sign don’t believe in blind luck, counting only on a meticulous plan through which they manage to obtain everything they set out to accomplish.

The Rat natives need to make plans for the future, they must be perseverant, watchful and, above all, they must enjoy everything surrounding them. At work, excellent opportunities will occur along with an increase in salary.

If, however, the Rats feel caught, bored or unable to progress, they need to follow their ideas, especially if they want to evolve – action will be the keyword during this year for all the Rats – there is no time for laziness or waiting for wonders to happen. In 2021, they will celebrate, they will get involved in social events, and they will travel. Also, they will recall the passions and hobbies they left behind, and they will look upon them with different eyes because, in 2021, they will prove to be extremely useful.

Altogether, this year is going to be pleasant and prosperous for the Rats who follow their dreams. May and August will be especially favorable for new friendships or alliances.

The Ox native can feel a bit tired after the chaos of the last months of 2020. Throughout 2021, they will continue to focus on their work, with excellent promotion perspectives, and the chance to obtain better positions or new acquaintances.

It is important for the Ox natives to find time for fun and social events so that they can also relax and enjoy life. The year 2021 will be lucky for the Ox natives, with possible financial gains or unexpected gifts throughout the year. Also, their friends will play an important role during this year, offering them support, friendship, and entertainment. For the Ox, who is not the embodiment of the most social animal from the Zodiac, it is essential not to neglect their existent circle of friends. Their kind opinions and disinterested advice will be less sought in 2021. From March to August, they will go through a terrible time in terms of career advancement. We wish everyone a Metal Ox Year full of health, wellness, and fortune.

The final months of 2020 can bring frustrations for the Tiger natives if they get involved in too many projects or ideas. It is important to step carefully during the Ox year if they want to set the basis of a good year. Otherwise, this year, they will be accompanied by disappointments and frustrations.

The Tiger natives are extremely creative, they have a lot of imagination, and this year, they can fully use their talent. The Tigers who are dissatisfied in their careers will have a hard time changing it in 2010. However, some unexpected and especially lucky occasions will occur throughout the year, but if you are not careful enough, they will disappear in a second! The Tigers need to keep their impulsive nature under control in 2021 and, if they can do it, this year will prove to be extremely pleasant, lucky, and satisfying. Between July and October is the ideal time for a new passionate love story.

During the last months of 2020, the Rabbits had to be very careful with their finances, trying to avoid any potential issues in the future. 2021 will prove to be a fun year, full of social interactions, marked by love stories and meetings with friends. This year, the single Rabbits may find their soul mates.

It is important for the Rabbits to be careful and to avoid taking risks during the Ox year. Also, they should try to avoid gossips and rumors that will start to flow abundantly towards the middle of the year, affecting their reputation. The house and the heart are essential this year, offering the comfortable retreat they will need in a year full of events. In April and October, some special occasions to travel and socialize will occur.

This is the year when all the Dragon natives will manage to fulfill their dreams, so “live the moment”! It’s going to be a busy but happy year for most of the Dragon natives, with their exuberant personality in great shape. Traveling is a well-positioned domain, but it comes with a warning – check all the traveling papers and work out all the details. Continuous planning is the keyword during the Ox year! As a careerist, the Dragon natives who look for a new job will receive an interesting proposal that will make them feel appreciated and confident. At home, for the Dragons who love their home, this year is going to be special. The time spent with their families will recharge them with energy, offering intense relaxation. Their attention to budget and their wise investments will make the Ox year extremely satisfying and happy. From March to May it is a favorable period for career changes and promotions.

The last months of 2020 brought a change in the social activities of Snakes, leaving them drained of energy and with the feeling they are out of the cards. But all the Snakes need to be brave because the Ox year will fully reward them. As a creative year for them, it will offer them things they’ve been thinking about all the time, and a lot of opportunities will occur throughout the year. In 2021, the Snake natives need to pay great attention to their financial problems. Although they are normally very cautious and vigilant when it comes to money, this year, the Snakes will need to be even more careful. In terms of career, they need to show greater flexibility if they want to advance or to change their job. This change can come with a bit of help from people in a higher position. The Snakes will spend happy moments at home, next to their families and friends, which will bring them a lot of joy. The period between July and November is fabulous for socializing.

Socially, the year 2020 will end in an optimistic note for the Horse natives, and they will probably expect the Ox year to continue the same. However, it is possible for 2021 to be a restless and demanding year for the Horses, something that will discourage and worry them. It is important for the Horse natives to remember that this year’s challenges are life lessons and due to their tenacity and inner force, they will overcome all their problems. Planning the year will prove extremely helpful for the Horses because it will give them the feeling that they can control the direction. Also, it is important to make a sustained effort and to listen to their co-workers and friends because, in 2021, they will be able to smooth the rough road of the Horse natives. March and August are excellent months for exciting journeys and adventures.

The Sheep zodiac ranks as the eighth animal on the zodiac cycle. This will be a challenging year for the Sheep natives. It would help if you were more alert this year because there is a clash between the Sheep natives and the Metal Ox Year. As per the Sheep, ensure that you take control of your life to not lose important things because of your temper. The Sheep natives will have challenges this year, just like the Ox. Keep a low profile this year and watch as things take shape in front of your eyes. It would help if you did not make any major changes, decisions, and choices that negatively affected your life. Do not change anything until the year starts working in your favor. Pay close attention to your emotions. Ensure that you do not let your emotions get the better of you this year, no matter what is happening in your life. Great things will come into your life towards the end of the year because things will be changing for the better.


The Ox year is going to be outstanding for the Monkey natives who will regain their enthusiasm and determination. Throughout the year, they will have a lot of opportunities that will place them in the spotlight, transforming the year in real success. The Monkeys should write down all their inspired ideas because they will ensure recognition for their work, which will also come with material benefits. It is important for the Monkey to share their problems or worries in any domain because if they keep them for themselves, they will risk increased anxiety and, in the end, bad choices. They need to take into consideration any chance to study or to gather knowledge. If they follow their dreams and hopes, it is possible for the Ox year to be one of the most memorable years, with a lot of fortune and progress. August, November, and December will bring great opportunities to socialize.

The Ox year is going to be very diverse for the Rooster natives, but if they know what is best for them, they will enjoy a path with no obstacles. This is not a favorable year for gambling or excessive spending, and the budget needs to be carefully thought out to avoid any difficulties. Focus and determination will help the unfulfilled and unhappy Roosters in their careers. While is not going to be easy to change jobs, it is possible to get the attention of a very influent person who can help them. Socially, this is going to be a year full of fun with a slight amendment. Gossips and indiscretions need to be avoided because they will harm the Rooster’s image. With all these events in their life, the house will seem a paradise and they will use any opportunity to spend time with family and close friends. The period between April and August will prove especially fortunate, with a bit of effort from the Rooster natives.

In 2021, the attention will be focused on career advancement and material improvement. An unexpected job offer or even a job change is possible during the Ox year, which will be a real delight for the Dog. With careful planning, their financial situation will progress this year, offering them safety and the possibility to make investments in their own home. Many Dog natives will decide to get married or to have a baby during this year, the affective domain being well-configured. Excellent occasions must be seized before they disappear, which is also true for the other signs of the Zodiac, therefore the Dog natives need to be constantly watchful and full of enthusiasm throughout the year. Friendship is important for the Dog natives this year and it will be in their interest to socialize and meet new friends. Only through their effort, they will make 2021 a memorable year. June and October are favorable months for romance.

At the end of 2020, the end of their year, they will enjoy a lot of fun and happiness, social contacts, and love stories. On the other hand, the Ox year means a new cycle for the entire Zodiac, which is something the Pig finds extremely murky – they are not willing to change. However, take a deep breath and let yourself get carried away, 2021 can be an interesting and successful year for all the Pig natives. Pay more attention to legal issues, financial details, and documents – be alert in any business deal so you can avoid problems. Also, the Pigs must be extremely selective when it comes to trust. This year, you will need to take a lot of decisions in your personal life, and the family and friends will prove to be valuable and useful. May and August are going to be important months in terms of career advancement.


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