Gwinnett’s Solicitor General will not prosecute individuals for distributing food or beverages under SB 202 law

Lawrenceville, April 5, 2021 – Prosecutors in Gwinnett County, second largest county in the state of Georgia, will not uphold a provisions under the new SB 202 law signed by Governor Brian Kemp on March 25.

“The Gwinnett County Solicitor’s Office will not prosecute individuals arrested for distributing nonpartisan beverages and/or food to voters waiting in line for long hours on Election Day in Gwinnett County as there is no rational, legal basis for this law,” according to a press statement released by the Gwinnett County's office.

Georgia's new voting reform law makes it illegal to give away food or water within 150 feet of a voting precinct or within 25 feet of any voter waiting to cast a ballot. The crime is considered a misdemeanor which would put it under the jurisdiction of the solicitor general's office.

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