Limited English Proficiency a Major Access Barrier to Healthcare for AAPIs, according to study

The primary languages Asian American adults with LEP speak are far more varied, making communication challenging

More than 30% of Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) adults report limited English proficiency (LEP), language barriers that can inhibit them in obtaining health insurance and accessing needed healthcare. This is the main finding of a new analysis prepared by the Urban Institute, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Researchers find that the LEP rate for Asian American adults in 2019 was similar to Hispanic adults. However, nearly all Hispanic adults with LEP report speaking Spanish, while the primary languages Asian American adults with LEP speak are far more varied, making communication challenging. The three most common languages spoken – Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean – are the primary languages of less than half of AANHPI adults with LEP.

Key findings of the report include:
– About 15% of Asian American adults live in a household in which all members ages 14 and older report LEP.
– Rates of LEP vary widely across AANHPI population subgroups:
– More than 40% of Chinese, Bangladeshi, Vietnamese, Nepalese, and Burmese adults report LEP.
– LEP rates are about 12% for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander adults.
– AANHPI adults with LEP are more likely than those proficient in English to be noncitizens and have lower incomes, less education, and higher uninsured  rates.

“As the White House Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders considers recommendations on accessibility for those in the AANHPI community with limited English proficiency, these findings show the need for greater language accessibility for this group in healthcare settings and when enrolling in and renewing health insurance coverage – particularly as some pandemic-related health coverage protections expire,” said Jennifer Haley, senior research associate at the Urban Institute. “Despite stereotypes of some AANHPI people being a ‘model minority’ and not facing disadvantages, many in this community face several barriers that could reduce their access to health insurance.”

“As healthcare systems identify and work to address systemic drivers of racial inequity, it’s clear that resources must be culturally appropriate and linguistically responsive to improve access to coverage and care for individuals with limited English proficiency,” said Gina R. Hijjawi, senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “State and federal officials must develop and target culturally and linguistically responsive resources to ensure that more people, including those with LEP, have the opportunity to improve their health and the health of their communities.”

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