Iconic Sculpture Honoring Veterans’ Sacrifices to be Dedicated at Sandy Springs Park

The newly opened Veterans Park is located on the parcel of land between Roswell Road, Johnson Ferry Road, and Mt. Vernon Highway.

Sandy Springs, October 30, 2024 – A sculpture monument dedicated to honoring the sacrifices and gratitude to veterans and servicemen who have served the nation is scheduled to be commemorated on Veterans Day on November 11, 2024, at Sandy Springs.

To honor the sacrifices of local veterans, the city commissioned two sculptures for the park: “Be the Light,” a 30-foot-tall steel creation from Curtis Pittman, and “Three Generations,” designed by Kevin Chambers.

The newly opened Veterans Park is located on the parcel of land between Roswell Road, Johnson Ferry Road, and Mt. Vernon Highway.

Sunny K. Park learned about the proposed Veterans monument during a Sandy Springs Foundation meeting a few years ago. The Sandy Springs Foundation is tasked to fund the cost of the monument.

“I feel obligated to help fund this monument to honor the sacrifices of local servicemen and veterans who dedicated their lives to protecting this country. The freedom that we enjoy daily are sacrifices of men and women who put their lives to protect us,” said Park.

Park's family generously donated over 85 percent of the funds to Sand Springs Foundation to finance the project.

“The monument is also a reminder to our community members that freedom is not free and to show our appreciation for veteran's service to the country,” adds Park.

Park also hopes that the monument will shed some light on the negative perceptions and stereotypes of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Veterans who dedicate their lives to this country.

“Asian American veterans are no different from the others and are an integral part of this country's fabric of society.”

The city says benches, designed for visitors to relax and reflect amid the park’s water features and sculptures, will surround the memorials.

Sidewalks will connect the park to City Springs, creating a seamless pathway between the two locations.

A dedication ceremony is scheduled at 11:00 am on November 11, 2024, at the Sandy Springs City Hall and followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Veterans Park. City officials, community leaders, and the general public are expected to attend.

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