Senator Warnock host AAPI and Democrats campaign rally in Gwinnett

Senator Warnock was elected to the U.S. Senate in a special election in 2021 with the help of large turnout by AAPI voters in metro Atlanta including Gwinnett County.

Duluth, September 2, 2022 – The Warnock for Georgia campaign bus pulled into Shorty Howell Park during a strong thunderstorm on Friday afternoon for a rally for Democrats and the Asian Pacific Islander community. Senator Warnock was elected to the U.S. Senate in a special election in 2020 with the help of large turnout by AAPI voters in metro Atlanta including Gwinnett County.

Several Democratic Party candidates running in the upcoming midterm election including Pedro Marin, Bee Nguyen, Jen Jordan, Michelle Au, Ben Ku and Farooq Mughal deliver remarks at the rally.

In his remark, Senator Warnock highlighted the passing of several major bills during his tenure in the U.S. Senate.

“American Rescue Plan provided financial assistance to farmers and small business including entrepreneurs to overcome economic challenges caused by Covid-19 economic slowdown,” said the Senator.

“Expanded Child Tax Credit provided tax cuts to 97% of American family with children. We provided tax cuts to working class families and small business. We gave tax cuts to those who needed it the most versus the other party gave tax cuts to those who need it the least while taking the resources from those who need them the most.”

“Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill helps rebuild America aging infrastructures with new roads, bridges, and critical infrastructures.”

Senator Warnock shares an experience that reflect the need for bipartisanship in Senate legislation for the betterment of the people.

“There is a road that runs through our humanity,” Warnock said relaying to the bill that he worked with Ted Cruz, “that is larger than politics, bigger than partisan bickering, certainly bigger than race, bigger than geographical differences … and my job as a legislator, and our job as citizens, is to find our way to that road that connects us to one another — so that everybody can get to where they need to go, so that every child can have access to a good, quality education, so that everybody can have affordable health care.”

“Jobs and Competition Bill promotes domestic manufacturing of microchips and critical technology in the U.S. We don't have to wait for the microchips to come from China. We can make them here in the U.S. and to create good paying jobs in America.”

Senator Warnock was most pleased with the passing of PACT Act which provided much needed assistance to American veterans who suffered from hazardous waste and chemical exposure during their service deployment overseas. The PACT Act ensure veterans can receive high-quality health care screenings and services related to potential toxic exposures, the PACT Act also expands access to VA health care services for veterans exposed during their military service.

“The Inflation Reduction Act will address rising costs in two major ways – lowering health care costs for hardworking families across Georgia and helping reduce the deficit. With historic investment in clean energy and clean energy jobs. The Act will also help lower prescription drug cost with Medicare and capped insulins drugs cost.”

Two major pieces of legislation that Senator Warnock introduced are included in The Inflation Reduction Act — his bill to cap insulin costs at $35 a month for patients on Medicare, and his plan to cap the cost of prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 a year. 12% of Georgia adult population are affected by diabetes.

Addressing the AAPI crowd, Senator Warnock points to the passing of Covid 19 Hate Crime as his contribution and support of the AAPI community. Quoting the famous motto “E Pluribus Unum” which mean “Out of Many, One”, Senator Warnock invokes the idea of unity and strength amongst the people from different background, colors and identity. – GAT

Sam Park addressing the AAPI rally in Shorty Howell Park, Duluth.
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