Georgia’s Burmese Chin community promotes unity and inclusion at annual celebration

Georgia's Chin and Burmese community community members gathers to celebrate its 74th Chin National Day with its ethnic food, vendors, dance and music

Tucker, Feb 19, 2022 – Georgia's Chin and Burmese community community members gathers to celebrate its 74th Chin National Day with its ethnic food, vendors, dance and music at Gujarati Samaj Atlanta event hall.

“I'm hoping this event will raise awareness of unity and inclusion amongst our young generations. It is important for our young people to have a sense of belonging and proud of our heritage,” said Salai Thang, President of Atlanta Burmese Chin community.

The event was also to help raise funds for COV-19 vaccines and to help injustice victims due to military juntas attacks on their community in Myanmar.

Over a thousand attended this year's annual celebration. Last year's celebration was cancelled due to COV-19 restriction.

Atlanta has since a steady increase of Burmese refugees settlement since the early 2000s.

According to the Census data, there are over 5,800 Burmese refugees in metro Atlanta and most of them resettled in Clarkston area. Prior to arriving in Georgia, Burmese refugees often waited between 3 to 5 years averages for their immigration documentation to be processed by the U.S. Homeland Security.

Burmese community in Georgia comprises of ethnic groups such as Chin, Karen, Karis, Rohingya, and others.

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