With the surge of Delta variant infections, COV-19 testing are available to all in Georgia

COV-19 testing is available to all Georgians who requested it, whether they have symptoms or not, according to Georgia's Department of Public Health.

Atlanta, Aug 1, 2021 – COV-19 testing is available to all Georgians who requested it, whether they have symptoms or not, according to Georgia's Department of Public Health.

The Georgia Department of Public Health also has a central website for making appointments through health departments. You can also search vaccines.gov, text your zip code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find vaccination sites near you. Vaccines are free of charge to all people living in the US, regardless of health insurance or immigration status.

There are many ways to be tested for COVID-19 in Georgia.

At your doctor’s office:

You can seek a COVID-19 test at your doctor’s office. This may be a PCR test, an antigen test or an antibody test. The time it takes for your test to come back may vary depending on the lab your doctor uses.

At a Specimen Point of Collection Site (SPOCs):

You can seek a COVID-19 test at a SPOC – these sites are associated with the Department of Public Health. You can make an appointment through the DPH website at https://dph.georgia.gov/covidtesting

These tests will be a PCR test. Regardless of your results, you should consider your health and exposure history in conjunction with your results.

At a Drive Through Clinic:

You can seek a COVID-19 test at a rapid drive through clinic. Testing through these facilities are coordinated with the organization (DPH cannot help to arrange a test for you or provide your results to you). Please refer to the organization’s websites for details about arranging a test and determining what type of test is performed. For rapid tests, results are typically given at the time of test, but this is up to the organization administering the test and providing results.

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