Fulton County to Offer Vaccination Incentives to Public

Those getting first and second doses may receive gift cards at some locations

Atlanta, October 22, 2021 – Starting October 27, Fulton County residents will be eligible to receive $100 gift cards after receiving their COVID-19 vaccine at select sites.

The incentives will be funded by Fulton County using American Rescue Plan Act funding, and offered to Fulton County residents at three vaccination sites operated through the Fulton County Board of Health and the Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency.

Residents will be able to receive the incentives on the following dates: October 27 and 30, 2021 and on November 3 and 6, 2021. The incentive is available only to Fulton County residents seeking their first or second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

“Fulton County is offering these incentives to show its commitment to the overall health of all citizens,” says Fulton County Commission Chairman Robb Pitts. “We hope that our residents will be encouraged to see beyond the financial impetus and see how their community benefits from vaccination.”

“The vaccines against COVID-19 have proven to be effective in preventing serious illness,” says Dr. Lynn Paxton, Fulton County District Health Director. “This effort is crucial to reaching those who have been both vaccine hesitant and vulnerable to this illness.”

Those existing vaccination locations include:

5710 Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, GA 30349
4700 North Point Parkway, Alpharetta GA 30305
Emma Darnell Aviation Museum & Conference Center (formerly the Aviation Community Cultural Center), 3900 Aviation Circle, NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30336

Appointments are recommended and can be made by calling 404-613-8150 or by following this link: https://gta-vras.powerappsportals.us/en-US/.

For more information go to www.fultoncountyga.gov/covidvaccine

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