Metro Atlanta AREAA installs new leadership and Board at charity gala

Alpharetta, Feb 21, 2020 – Atlanta's Asian Real Estate Association (AREAA-Atlanta Chapter) organized its annual charity and installation gala at a local hotel.

The event was celebrated with local real estate professionals and guests from around the country.

“Increasing AAPI homeownership is at the core of our mission and with out influential chapters like Atlanta' Metro, this would not be possible,” said James Huang, outgoing AREAA National President in his remarks.

The evening's program also highlighted the installation of local real estate professional, Tim Hur as the incoming AREAA National President.

“I am proud to be part of AREAA's mission to provide sustainable housing to the AAPI community. I am also thankful for the chance to give back, to think beyond the scope of our daily work, and to see the importance of community involvement,” said Helen Nguyen, immediate past President of Atlanta AREAA Metro.

Andrew Peters was installed as the incoming 2020 Atlanta AREAA Chapter President at the dinner gala. “2020 will build on the momentum created these part couple of years with even more exciting events. Commercial real estate will be highlighted and community involvement will be an emphasis for our local Chapter,” said Peters in his introductory remarks.

Guests were treated to a buffet dinner, charity casino, art and raffle auction to benefit CURE Childhood Cancer.

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