Guest Editorial: My parting words of wisdom as a loyal GOP member in Georgia

Garry Guan shares insights on Georgia's Conservatives politics prior to his new role in Hawaii

I am so elated to leave the torch of AAPI conservative politics in my beloved States of Georgia, where I called home for the past 30 years, before my departure to the State of Hawaii on October 14, 2022, taking my position as the State Historic Preservation Archaeologist IV (Oahu) BU13, and the Oahu Island Lead Archaeologist at the State Historic Preservation Division, Department of Land and Natural Resources.

Asian American and Pacific Islanders are now integral parts of the fabric of Georgia's population, and that of the United States of America. We are here to stay and this is our country and our states, and our home. Our communities had made great contributions to this state and country, and yet, our representations in government are dismal so far. More and more AAPI communities are awakening politically and more of our people decide to run for public office as Republicans embracing the conservative values and aiming to preserve the country we were attracted to come for. Now, the ultimate mission of this organization is to help AAPI GOP Candidates to win their elections!

Despite that our AAPI communities lack of natural integral links of other major minority groups, such as the common skin color, legacy and the struggle of the African Americans, or the common language as in Hispanic/Latino Americans, we are blessed with the experiences of intersectionality. This could be our great potential to contribute to this great nation to heal the current poisonous political division! The time depending on someone else to “represent” us is over, we are more than capable of representing ourselves and the rest of our fellow citizens. I hope to see more of our AAPI candidates to run for public offices at all levels, and even in both political parties.

The conservative values of the Republican Party attracted more candidates from our AAPI communities in this election in the State of Georgia does not necessarily indicates the Republican Party, both the State GOP and Republican National Committee, has done a good job in reaching out to the AAPI communities. My experiences in the January 6th U.S. Senate Run-Off elections in 2021 were terribly disappointing to say the least.

AAPI were more treated as decorated feather on the hat for the GOP apparatus. Once come to “put the money where your mouth is,” the Democrat Party has way outdone the Republican Party. During the crucial U.S. Senate Run-off Election, one fund raising event in Korean American community raised over $170,000.00 for the GOP Battleground fund, and only a tiny fraction was spent on the local Asian media, especially the Asian language local media. Even that, it was came way too late!

Right now, the history is clearly repeating itself again. At this very moment, Democrat had always bombarded the Georgia local Asian media again and I have not seem a single campaign advertisement from Republic Party in the same arena. Frankly speaking, the RNC Asian American Community Center has very little effect in reaching out to the AAPI communities in comparison to the advertisements Democrat Party put into the Asian media! Keep in mind, we are all aware that such advertisement money alone also supported the AAPI community financially, regardless of the messages.

I am not so naively to hope my departing message would change the GOP apparatus in Georgia or the RNC. I do hope this get them thinking, even just for a moment.

I will cast my last vote by mail for Georgia, and whole hearted hope that Georgia remains a red state. It will not be easy, and hope my fellow Republicans in Georgia keep up the hard work. I will be waiting for the great news on this upcoming November 8th.

– The author was the former Republican Nominee for Georgia Senate District 5 in 2010 and former Republican Nominee for Georgia Senate District 40 in 2020.

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