Since lawyers Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell have both filed speedy trial demands, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said their trial would...
The trial beginning Tuesday is part of a wave of litigation progressing after the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year stood behind its interpretation...
Duluth, August 12, 2023 - A unique immersive experience business has opened for business to celebrate the rich Vietnamese heritage and lifestyle. Ao Corner...
Norcross, July 29, 2023 -- The National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) held its 2023 annual meeting at Chow King Buffet Restaurant to elect...
American Korean Friendship Society (AKFS) sponsored the billboard campaign to thank and in gratitude for the U.S. Veterans sacrifices during the 3-year Korean War...
A city of Morrow Council member called a fellow member “un-American” following their proposal to provide ballots in Spanish and Vietnamese languages. The council...