AAPI community organizations unite to mark one year anniversary of Atlanta spa shooting

3.16 Rally also aim to raise awareness about on-going violence against AAPI women

Atlanta, March 1, 2022 – The Atlanta Asian Justice Rally Coalition, comprised of several Asian American non-profit organizations, grassroots community partners and allies, will host an Asian Justice Rally – Break the Silence on March 16 from noon to 2 p.m. at Liberty Plaza, in front of the Georgia Capitol. The event brings together local AAPI leaders, elected officials and community members to mark the one-year anniversary of the Atlanta Asian shootings and to heighten awareness of the on-going violence against Asian women. Some family members of the victims are also expected to attend in honor of their loved ones.

Organizing members of the Coalition said, “Our event will provide a platform for those who wish to speak up and out on that day–exactly one year after the Atlanta Asian shootings. We will break the silence, speak truth to power and continue the fight for AAPI voices to be heard. March 16 is a day we intend to commemorate annually. Central to our messaging will be Seeking Justice for AAPI Women – especially resonant because March is also Women’s History Month, and March 16, 2021 was a day when six Asian women were executed at their workplace.”

Several family members of last year’s shooting victims have provided statements in support of the Rally. “As I grieve on the anniversary of my mother’s murder, I want her death not to be in vain,” said Robert Peterson, the son of Yong Ae Yue, killed at the Aromatherapy Spa in Buckhead. “I support the Atlanta Asian Justice Rally on March 16 to help end the violence against Asian women.”

Peterson’s sentiments were echoed by Michael Webb, who is confirmed to speak at the Rally. “I look forward to honoring the memory of Xiaojie Tan, mother of my adopted daughter, and speaking at the Atlanta Asian Justice Rally on March 16 to help Stop Asian Hate in America.” Tan was among the first victims of the shooting when it began in the northwest Atlanta suburb of Acworth.

During the pandemic and since the Atlanta Asian shootings on March 16, 2021, incidents and reporting of violence and hate crimes against Asian Americans have tragically continued to escalate. The Atlanta Asian shootings, and so many other recent incidents of Asian hate captured on video and rotating in the media, have shocked the nation. Rally organizers and others across the nation are speaking out and taking action together to vocally respond and demand institutional change.

“We hope this never happens to another family,” said Randy Park, the son of Hyun Jung Kim who was killed last year at the Gold Spa. “It’s crushing to never see our mother again. Hate needs to stop. Let society not forget March 16. We certainly won’t.”

The Atlanta Asian Justice Rally – Break the Silence is being coordinated nationally with organized AAPI events being held the same day in major cities, including New York City, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Houston. The White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) has also requested to participate in the event.

Supporting and co-sponsoring organizations of the Coalition include:

The Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS)
The People’s Uprising
Atlanta Korean American Committee Against Asian Hate
Georgia Asian Pacific American Bar Association (GAPABA)
National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA)
National Association of Asian American Professionals – Atlanta (NAAAP-Atlanta)
Korean American Coalition (KAC)
APAs vs Hate
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence (API-GBV)
Ramos & Law
The Long Tran Radio Show

Some AAPI organizations are choosing to commemorate the anniversary with quiet reflection. The Coalition added, “We respect the various approaches taken to remember the Atlanta tragedy. Our AAPI community is multifaceted. We can have shared goals, achieved through different paths, and these paths are not mutually exclusive. We welcome those who are able to join us and help amplify our voices at the Georgia Capitol and nationwide on March 16, 2022. We also plan to livestream the Rally on social media.”

For more information about the Atlanta Asian Justice Rally – Break the Silence, visit: www.breakthesilence.day, or on Facebook: @AsianJusticeRally.

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