First female Asian American attorney appointed as Recorder’s Court Judge in Gwinnett

Lawrenceville, May 24, 2021 – The six-member Gwinnett State Court bench has appointed Norcross attorney Mihae Park to fill the unexpired term of Recorder’s Court Judge Michael Greene, who retired April 30. Park is the first female Asian American to serve as a Recorder’s Court Judge and the second Korean American to serve in this role. She will be sworn in May 28.

Soon after earning a law degree from the University of Florida in 1988, Park joined the Gwinnett Solicitor’s Office where she worked there for over 10 years. In the Solicitor’s Office, she handled more than 60 hearings to include jury and bench trials, as well as motions and appeals. She also served as solicitor for Suwanee Municipal Court. She most recently was a criminal defense attorney for Taylor Lee and Associates where she focused on DUI cases.

Park is certified to argue before the Georgia Court of Appeals, the Georgia Supreme Court, and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. As a member of the Gwinnett County Bar Association, she served for many years as the co-chair for Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. She was a board member of the Korean American Scholarship Fund and continues to be a liaison between the Korean community and the Gwinnett Judicial System. She is a member of the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys.

Greene’s term expires Dec. 31, 2023. In the event of an opening in Recorder’s Court, the State Court bench appoints a successor. Gwinnett currently has three Recorder’s Court judges.

Recorder’s Court handles traffic citations issued by the Gwinnett County Police Department, Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department, Georgia Department of Driver Services, and the Georgia Department of Transportation. Recorder's Court also handles all Gwinnett County code violations, such as citations written by Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement, Gwinnett County Planning and Development and the Gwinnett Health Department.

Park was born in Seoul, South Korea. After her family immigrated to the United States, she became a United States citizen at the age of 19. She has two children, and she and her husband reside in Suwanee.


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