Gwinnett commissioners voted to maintain property tax same as last year

The 2021 General Fund millage rate remains at 6.95 mills. Property taxes for special service districts and countywide levies for recreation and economic development also are unchanged from last year.

Lawrenceville, July 20, 2021 – The Gwinnett Board of Commissioners voted to hold unincorporated Gwinnett’s property tax rate for 2021 at 14.71 mills, the same rate as 2020.

“Gwinnett County is fortunate to be in a very good position financially,” said Chairwoman Nicole Hendrickson. “It’s important that we continue providing the excellent services that Gwinnett is known for. Our police and fire personnel continue to help keep us safe, our award-winning parks give us a fun place to relax and exercise, we’re doing innovative things in transportation, and on and on. At the same time, we’re still able to expand services and improve public facilities to be more equitable and to try to enhance the quality of life for everyone without increasing the millage rate.”

Property taxes are based on millage rates set by county government, the schools and cities. One mill equals a dollar tax per thousand dollars of assessed property value. Assessed value is 40 percent of fair market value.

The Gwinnett Tax Assessor calculates the total value of all property in the county, called the tax digest, by conducting annual updates of residential and commercial property.

Financial Services Director Buffy Alexzulian said most homeowners won’t see the County portion of their taxes change because of the Value Offset Exemption, which holds the assessed value of a property constant for the County tax portion of their bill, even if there is an increase in property value.

The 2021 General Fund millage rate remains at 6.95 mills. Property taxes for special service districts and countywide levies for recreation and economic development also are unchanged from last year. Millage rates for service districts in Gwinnett are based on property location and county services provided, such as police, fire and emergency medical services.

The board vote came after three public hearings where residents were invited to provide feedback on the proposed rate. Commissioners also reviewed comments submitted online through the County website.

Tuesday’s action paves the way for the Tax Commissioner’s Office to mail property tax bills in August. Payments will be due in October. Property owners or mortgage lenders can make payments by mail, online, at the main tax office in person, or by using one of the special drop boxes located at tax and tag offices.

Property owners can also visit the County’s website to see the value they receive in county services plus an estimate of applicable county, schools and city taxes billed by the tax commissioner. A pie chart shows how the County allocates its portion. Click here to explore the Where Your Property Taxes Go tool.

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