Guest Contributor: VP Mike Pence defending the majority at GOP rally in Gainesville

Gainesville, Nov 20, 2020 – Vice President Mike Pence made a visit to the State of Georgia and spoke at one of the two rallies back-to-back on Friday, November 20, 2020. Here is the summary of his speech at the GAGOP Defend the Majority Rally in Gainesville, Georgia in that afternoon:

At the first instance more than 73 Million votes has been taken by Donald Trump as the first Republican candidate. Moreover we are going to keep fighting until every vote is counted. Thus we can make America grate again. Therefore that is why we need David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler back in a Republican majority in the United States senate. David perdue and Kelly Loeffler must be send to the senate since they are the last line of defense in preserving what the Republicans have done to the community. Therefore we need the peach state to defend the senate. President Trump has been a campion for Georgia and Georgia’s values. David perdue has had a 40 year successful business career through hard work and sacrifice and so does Kelly Loeffler who has build her own most successful business. She has been an unapologetic champion of our agenda and conservative values that made Georgia great.

Furthermore what Republicans have accomplished many goals? Four years ago Republicans have inherited a military that hollowed out by a devasting budget cut. Due president Trump’s conduct we reestablished the US military by securing the boarders and stood with law enforcement. Moreover it must be stated that President Donald has massively supported the US military and cared massively about the troops which are serving the military with no gender bias. And president has a strong support from the US allies to do as such. Moreover by signing the largest increase in the United States national defense.  

Kelly Loeffler presence was considered to be major since she was with President Trump when he was introducing reforms. Most importantly veteran’s positions were considered to be highly important and their choice was upheld. With the US commander in Chief US armed forces defeated the last inch of ISIS territory. Due to the presence of our two senators president stood strong again Iran. Moreover US stood strong with our allies. President Trump stood by his words and moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem the capital of the state of Israel. By standing with President Trump the two senators revived the US economy. With the Trump administration tax avoidance all across boarders has been implemented. 7 Million paying jobs were implemented after fighting for free and fair trade. Even after losing jobs due to the global pandemic strong foundation has been poured with the support of our allies. Due to the unprecedented recovery for the families due to the conduct of the Senate Perdue and Senator Loeffler. 350,000 people in Peach state has been gone to work and Senator David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler was there standing and supporting. Most importantly it must be noted that Rule of Law was protected beyond boarders. Furthermore 220 conservatives were appointed to the federal courts at every level and they all are men and women who serve god given liberties. Most importantly it must be noted that Senator Loeffler was the first senator to give the confirmation vote for Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Last administration put the right of doctors and Nurses to danger. 

It must be noted that little sisters of the poor in the federal court force them live under the mandates of Obamacare. Most importantly it must be noted that judge Amy Coney Barrett’s credibility was highly questioned by the Democrat leader of the Jurisdiction Committee due Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s religious belief.  Since we have accomplished Prosperity and security and strength foundation. Thus we need Senator David Perdue and Senator Kelly in the United States senate hence we need the Georgia to defend the majority. 

It must be stated that the fact that Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will be cutting the national defense to fund their big governmental program is highly doubtable. It must be stated that Raphael Warnock ridicules the most cherished ally Israel.  David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will be keep defending what you earn. It must be noted that Jon Ossoff and Raphael are proposing about raising taxes on working families and business which are small and large and also defunding the police. Most importantly David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will always protect the constitutional rights of the people. Most important is that the Republican party’s agenda is make America grate again and the Republicans are going make sure to see that 40 Million vaccines all across America. Jos Ossoff and Raphael Warnock’s agenda is high taxes, open boarders, specialized medicine , Green New deal , abortions om demand thus we need Georgia vote for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. Georgia will loom large and up to the task. 

Contributor: Garry Guan, Former Candidate for Georgia State Senate District 40

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