Consulate General Japan Atlanta Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Establishment

Buckhead, June 5, 2024 – The Consulate General of Japan celebrates the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the office in Georgia. Consul General Mio Maeda hosted a special reception at his residence to commemorate the event.

Over 100 dignitaries including former Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, Pat Wilson, Georgia Commissioner of Economic Development, legislators, business and community leaders from the surrounding states including Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina participated.

“My sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to all of you who supported the Japan-U.S. relationship for the past 50 years. Our office has been the cornerstone of Japan's relations with the Southeast region by fostering understanding and cooperation in various areas,” said Consul General Mio Maeda in his remark.

The Consulate General of Japan office in Atlanta officially opened in February 1974 after reciprocating then-former Governor Jimmy Carter's effort to establish a direct economic link with Japan. Governor Carter opened a trade and tourism office in Tokyo in 1973.

Since the establishment of both offices, Georgia including the Southeast region has benefitted from a wave of Japanese direct investments and trade over the years. There are currently over 600 Japanese companies operating in Georgia and over 100,000 jobs have been created.

“Prime Minister Kishida's official visit to Washington DC in August 2024 reaffirmed the importance of the US-Japan relationship and the importance of the global partnership in addressing global issues such as climate change and Indo-Pacific security,” adds Consul General Maeda in his remark.

“As we look to the next 50 years, I am filled with optimism and excitement because of the strong foundation of trust and cooperation will continue to grow and expand.”

Both Georgia Senator Jon Ossoff and Senator Raphael Warnock sent congratulatory remarks via videos.

“I am so pleased to join you in honoring and celebrating the 50th anniversary of the consulate in Atlanta. We are so pleased to host this extraordinary diplomatic team. And I am so honored to represent Georgia's Japanese American community. My goal is to be the most effective, responsive and visible representative and George's Japanese American community has ever had in the United States Congress, ” said Senator Jon Ossofff in his message.

“This is a remarkable milestone that reflects what is possible when different communities come together around our shared values of harmony, respect, community, and more. Japan has long stood as an essential ally of the United States in defending democracy, championing human rights and unleashing economic prosperity around the world. The beauty and resilience of the Japanese people even inspires George's own Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In a 1967 letter addressed to the people of Japan, Dr. King wrote, Japan stands as one possible bridge between East and West and is endowed with a historic opportunity to mediate the tensions which currently exist between Eastern West rich and poor, white and color peoples of the world. Certainly, Japan can stand strong for a world of peace. I am proud of the work our two nations have accomplished in recent decades to help forge the beloved community Dr. King envisioned and I look forward with eternal optimism to the future of our invaluable partnership. As a US senator for all Georgians, I remain committed to uplifting all our communities in the pursuit of a more perfect union,” said Senator Raphael Warnock in his congratulatory remark.

Former Governor Nathan Deal wears the Emperor of Japan's Order of Rising Sun with Silver Stars medallion and he delivered a light-hearted remark commemorating the event.

“We are fortunate that the nation of Japan placed their consulate here in Atlanta and we have been blessed with that ever since. I know that the Consul General is very active in the Consular Corps in the city. It is a great way of leadership within the diplomatic corps and Japan should be very honored and proud for what you have done in that capacity,” said former Governor Deal.

Pat Wilson, Georgia Commissioner of Economic Development, raised his glass to deliver a “Gan-Bei” toast to mark the momentous anniversary.

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