American Korean Friendship Society Honors 2024 New American Hero Award and Lifetime Achievement Award

AKFS honors Ambassador Sung Yong Kim with the 2024 New American Hero Award. AKFS also honors Dr. Edward T. Chang, Professor, University of California, Riverside, with the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Sandy Springs, March 16, 2024 – American Korean Friendship Society celebrates its 28th anniversary with presentation of 2024 New American Hero Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. The exclusive event drew participation by Korean American community and business leaders along with invited state legislators leaders.

“AKFS presents the New American hero Award each year to an American of Korean descent who has made significant and noteworthy contribution to the United States,” said Sunny K. Park, President of American Korean Friendship Society.

AKFS honors Ambassador Sung Yong Kim with the 2024 New American Hero Award. Ambassador Kim is an American diplomat who has served the country as the special representative for North Korea policy since 2021.

He has previously served as acting assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. He recently retired from U.S. government services in December 2023 and has joined Hyundai Motor Group as a senior adviser.

Ambassador Kim has extensive diplomatic credentials and has served under four American Presidents.

He served as the U.S. Special Envoy for Six-Party Talks under President George W. Bush in 2008.

He later served in the President Obama and Trump Administrations as the ambassador to South Korea from 2011 to 2014 and as the ambassador to the Philippines from 2016 to 2020. He was appointed as Ambassador to Indonesia by President Trump in 2020.

“I am deeply honored with this award. This award also symbolizes the positive contribution of Korean Americans to this great nation,” said Ambassador Kim in his acceptance speech.

Ambassador Kim shared his $25,000 cash award with Apex for Youth, the University of Pennsylvania, and Loyola Law School.

Former Governor Nathan Deal delivers the evening's keynote speech.

Governor Deal is proud of the relationship between the state of Georgia and South Korea that he nurtured during his eight year tenure. He also visited the country every year to further establish business development.

AKFS also honors Dr. Edward T. Chang, Professor, University of California, Riverside, with the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Chang is recognized for his work on behalf of Korean American community advancement.

Professor Chang has studied and been a voice for the Korean community for more than 25 years. He is a leading expert on the Los Angeles riots, race relations between Korean and African American communities, and Korean American diaspora.

The award is paired with a $5,000 cash award by Good Neighboring Foundation. Dr. Chang shared the cash award with KW Lee Center for Leadership.

Ambassador Andrew Young delivers the evening's most memorable speech. He received a standing ovation from the audience deeply touched by the humanity and philanthropy shown by the Korean volunteers in Africa.

The American Korean Friendship Society is a national 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization (81-1408283) civic organization founded in 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. The mission of the Society is to celebrate and strengthen the unique relationship between the peoples of Republic of Korea and the United States of America.

GAT exclusive interview with Ambassador Sung Yong Kim ::


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