Local Filipino charity raise funds to support underprivileged projects in the Philippines

Norcross, May 11, 2019 — Makabayan Georgia, Inc. launched its new civic project “Sharing is Caring” in celebration of its 11th anniversary. Makabayan Georgia (MGI) is a local non-profit organization raising funds to help the underprivileged and to eradicate poverty in the Philippines.

MGI partners with the various Fil-Am organizations in Georgia, and empowers them to make a difference in their communities by giving away financial grants to fund their respective civic projects. Galing Foundation, Inc. and the Philippine American Women's Association of Georgia both received the highest grants of $1,000 each.

Other recipients were: The Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Georgia, the Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta, the Saranai Club, the Filipino Student Association of UGA, the Philippine Nurses of Georgia, Fil-Am CSRA, Rotary Emory-Clinic and the Filipino Choir.

MGI CEO Emeritus Willee Bonus was awarded a recognition plaque, in absentia, for his leadership and dedication to community service in the first 10 years of MGI operations.

(Photo credit: Vic Eclar Romero)

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