NAAAP honors five Asian Americans with 100 Awards and Inspire Award

L-R: Frank Wu, Law Professor, Author, Former Chancellor and Dean at UC Hastings; Ben Chestnut, CEO and Co-Founder of Mailchimp; Chaiwon Kim, CEO of Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS); and Lani Wong, Chair of National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) Atlanta.

Atlanta, August 25, 2018 – The National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) hosted its annual National Leadership Convention and signature gala at the Hotel InterContinental Buckhead.

This year's NAAAP Leadership Convention carries the theme “Arise to Lead” which covers a span of three days of workshops, diversity career fairs, employee/resource groups networking, and an entertainment packed charity fundraising event.

NAAAP 100 Awards were presented to four highly respected Asian American individuals: Frank Wu, Law Professor, Author, Former Chancellor and Dean at UC Hastings; Chaiwon Kim, CEO of Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS); Ben Chestnut, CEO and Co-Founder of Mailchimp; and Lani Wong, Chair of National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) Atlanta.

“I am surprised to receive this award from NAAAP and being recognized as an Asian American business leader. As you know, I'm half Thai and deeply humbled by the acceptance and being embraced by the Asian American community,” said Ben Chestnut, CEO and Co-Founder of MailChimp.

“As a community volunteer and a homemaker, I am honored to be recognized for this award. I hope it also inspire younger generations to give back to the community,” said Lani Wong on her award,” said Lani Wong, Chair of National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA).

“This award represents all the hard-work that my team has contributed in starting the Center. My team and I are humbled by the recognition by NAAAP,” said Chaiwan Kim, CEO of Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS).

Ms. Aisha Yaqoob, Civil Rights Advocate, a Georgia House Primary election winner, was presented with the NAAAP Inspire Award.

“I am extremely humble to receive the NAAAP Inspire Award. I hope this award inspire younger generation Asian Americans to look beyond the traditional path to choosing a career path such as running for office,” said Aisha Yaqoob with a beaming smile.

The evening program was presented by Sophia Choi, Master of Ceremonies, WSB-TV Atlanta News Anchor.

“We're extremely pleased with the friendly support and help in organizing this event from our local chapter and friends in Atlanta. Overall, it has been a positive experience hosting an event at such scale in Atlanta,” said Cyndy You-Robinson, Executive Director of NAAAP.

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