Meet the new Consul General of Indonesia – Nana Yuliana, Ph.D.

Atlanta, August 7, 2018 — Members of the Atlanta's business and entrepreneurs community learnt first hand of business opportunities available in the Southeast Asia's largest economy at the Indonesia-Georgia Business Forum held at a downtown hotel. Among the guest of honor participating at the Forum is Dr. Nana Yuliana, Consul General of Republic of Indonesia.

Photo: Ben Hioe, Georgia Asian Times

Georgia Asian Times conducted an exclusive interview with Dr. Nana Yuliana, who is on her third visit to Atlanta since starting her assignment to Houston in September 2017. A career diplomat who has previously served as Head of Economic Affairs with Indonesian Embassy for four years in Bangkok, Thailand and had served over three years as senior Political Affairs staff with the Indonesian Embassy in Manila, Philippines.

“I am very excited to be in my role especially with huge responsibilities covering 10 states in the U.S. and the U.S. Virgin Island, and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,” said Dr. Yuliana with a smile.

Consul General Yuliana emphasized three areas of focus under her administration — promotion of trade, tourism, and investment; people to people connectivity; and the protection of Indonesian citizens and diaspora.

She plans to emphasize more effort in the promotion of inbound tourism, trade, and investments into Indonesia.

Indonesia has risen to the top of five Asian nations in the last six years in both macro and micro indicators. Being the biggest country in Southeast Asia with around 250 million in population, Indonesia's economic grew rapidly and projected to be the 7th largest economy in 2030 by McKinsey Global Institute and 4th place by 2050 by Price Waterhouse Coopers.

Indonesian economy has much to offer with an emerging and strong purchasing power middle-class which is projected more than 50 million plus by year 2050.

Consul General Yuliana also emphasizes that Georgia has been a great partner in trade with Indonesia. The total value between Indonesia and the state of Georgia indicates an average of $1.1 Billion to $1.7 Billion in the past four years. Indonesia exported $1.4 Billion of products to Georgia and Georgia recorded export value of $295,000.

“Indonesia welcomes Georgia's expertise and investments in infrastructure, hotels and resorts development, and energy power plants. These are key areas that have tremendous growth opportunities in Indonesia,” said Consul General Yuliana.

Indonesia exports commodity are animal or vegetable fats, oil, waxes, rubber, apparel articles and accessories, optic photos, medic or surgical instrument, electric machinery, fish and furniture, etc. Georgia exports to Indonesia are food industry residues and waste, wood pulp, cotton including yam and woven fabric, chemical products, machinery, live animal, salt, and electric machinery etc.

“In addition to economic activities, I would like to increase more ‘People to People Connectivity',” said the Consul General. She plans to increase university to university networks, exchange of professors, and human resource development. She also indicates participating in more community events to promote Indonesian culture and to increase connectivity with the American community.

Consul General Yuliana also stressed the importance of protection and safety of Indonesian citizens within her jurisdiction. Currently, there are over 21,000 Indonesian citizens living and working in Georgia. Her consulate office in Houston regularly conducts passports and consular services in metro Atlanta to assist Indonesian diaspora who lives in Georgia.

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