Andrew Yang campaigning for Raphael Warnock in Buckhead

Atlanta, Nov 29, 2020-Former Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang made an appearance with U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock at a Democrat campaign rally in Buckhead.

Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will face incumbent Republican Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue at a Senate race-off on January 5th.

Here are highlights of Rev. Raphael Warnock speech:

“We have to protect our small businesses because they are the engine of our economy. During the COV-19 pandemic relief, we saw large corporations such as Shake Shack, Los Angeles Lakers, and Ruth Chris Steak House at the front of the line, we hear that our small businesses are at the back of the line for help. Do you think Kelly Loeffler will do anything about that? She (Kelly Loeffler) is Wall Street through and through .. she represent the seamless relationship between political backroom and the corporate board room. And, you can't tell the difference and in her case – she represents both at the same time. And this Republican donor (Loeffler) contributed much to the Republican Party-she made a $100,000 donation to the Republican Party just two weeks before she apply for the Senate seat.”

Andrew Yang with his wife Evelyn recently relocated to Georgia to help with the Democratic Senatorial campaign. Here are excerpts of his speech:

“Mitch McConnell has the key to the car (U.S. Senate) and guess what happened. He drove it down the ditch. This country goes nowhere under his leadership. We are in the midst of a historic crisis. I know we need an invigorated and aggravated government to get us out this crisis. Mitch McConnell has the key. We are going to take the key away from him to hand it to Rev. Warnock and Jon Ossoff”

“Asian American voters brought Joe Biden to the White House. Half of the Asian American voters didn't vote in 2016 and turn out to vote this time. We have to keep reminding Asian American voters that the future of this country can rest on our community hands.”

“This election is crucial for the Asian American community to continue our political awakening. An awakening that has the potential to change the face of American politics. Just like Rev. Warnock and Jon Ossoff can change the future of our country, the Asian American community can change the way our ‘Americanness' are experienced and received. There is a persistent perception that we are somehow less Americans that someone else. That is what we must change. We have the potential to change that on January 5th”

“We need to inform our voters that we need a balance of power in Congress and Senate. This is a not a choice between the left or right anymore. This is a choice between a government that is functioning or a government with complete dis-functioning gridlock”

“What do you say to those folks who lean towards Republican or a small business owner like I was? Do you really think that at this time of crisis – that the right answer is for our government to do nothing and to sit it out? And if they are small business owners like me, they will know that that is not a path to success. If your business is having a problem-the last thing you do is to do nothing. If you do that, your business fail and your business falter. That is what the United States of America is right now”

“I know that you (Asian Americans) have got the message that you're somehow less worthy of being ‘American'. This is what we need to put to rest once and for all. In order to put that to rest – we have to stand up and be heard. We have to show that we can lead, we can organize and we can vote. We have to get Rev. Warnock to the US Senate”

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