Georgia Asian Times hosting free public forum on Gwinnett Transit and March 19 referendum

Duluth, January 17, 2019 — Georgia Asian Times will be hosting a public information forum on the upcoming Gwinnett Transit referendum vote scheduled for March 19, 2019.

The forum is aim at educating Gwinnett's Asian American residents on the proposed Gwinnett Transit Plan and the March 19 referendum vote .

With the growth and rapid development in Gwinnett County, more travel options are needed for residents and businesses. By 2040, Gwinnett population is projected to be the most populated county in Georgia. Population growth is projected from existing 900,000 people to over 1.5 million by 2040.

Georgia Asian Times have invited the county's senior transportation officials and leaders to explain in greater details of the transit plan and its one cent tax implications to the Asian American community in Gwinnett.

The forum will be hosted at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce-Education Room at 6500 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Tuesday February 19, 2019.

Every Asian residents of Gwinnett are invited to participate at the free public forum.

For those interested in attending, please send an email with your full name and telephone number to register and to reserve a seat: by February 15, 2019. Space are limited and on first come basis.

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