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Please email us at gat@gasiantimes.com if you have any comments or suggestions regarding our newsletters. It is the largest digital news media to cover the diverse multi-ethnic Asian-Pacific community in Georgia.

We also provide a platform for the Asian community to voice their views on issues that concern them. It is a paper that speaks with authority and understands the needs of the Asian community.The coverage goes beyond the community and local news to present articles on finance, health, lifestyles, food, arts, entertainment, and events.

Georgia Asian Times is a pioneer in digital news media in providing coverage across the diverse Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Malaysian, Cambodian, Laotian, Filipino, Singaporean, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Thai, Burmese, Indian, and Indonesian communities in Georgia.You can check out the Georgia Asian Times podcast or events page to keep up with the latest events.

Details like time, date, venue, and other information can be found in the event section which you can also add to your calendar.

There are currently 6 podcast categories which are:

  • Apa Kabar Indonesia
    designed for the Indonesian diaspora community in metro Atlanta, Georgia, and Southeast.
  • Atlanta Burmese Voice
    designed for the Burmese community in metro Atlanta, Georgia, and Southeast.
  • SungKhom Lao
    designed for the Laotian American community in metro Atlanta, Georgia, and Southeast.
  • Tam Su Voi
    designed for the Vietnamese community in metro Atlanta, Georgia, and Southeast.
  • Usapang Pinoy
    designed for the Filipino diaspora community in metro Atlanta, Georgia, and Southeast.
  • Georgia Korean Podcast
    designed for the Korean American community in metro Atlanta, Georgia, and the Southeast.
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